I have the great privilege of working with early childhood professionals every day. Through my work with early childhood professionals, I get to touch the lives of hundreds of children and their families. The work I do comes with joy and fulfillment, but also with great responsibility.
I am my true self in every interaction with the educators I support. I am not a "pantsuit" trainer—I come to my in-person sessions in jeans and a T-shirt. I have numerous tattoos, and my wild, curly hair is rarely tamed.
I've spent over 28 years in this profession, with more time in the classroom supporting children and families than out of the classroom supporting early childhood educators. I am a caregiver who's shifted their work from directly supporting children and families to supporting early childhood professionals.
I have conversations daily about what it means to be an early childhood professional. Spoiler alert: It has nothing to do with the clothes you wear, piercings, tattoos, or hairstyle. It has EVERYTHING to do with HOW YOU HOLD YOURSELF!
How you hold yourself accountable for your decisions, responses, and reactions.
How you hold yourself in your interactions with the children in your care.
How you hold yourself in conversations with your teaching peers and program leaders.
How you hold yourself in discussions with parents/guardians.
How you hold yourself responsible when setting goals to grow your skills.
You are an EARLY CHILDHOOD PROFESSIONAL. Hold your head high and your standards higher!