Earth Art
Earth Art
As we transition into spring, it is the perfect time to share some ideas for the outdoor classroom. Any place where your kiddos spend time outdoors can be used as an outdoor classroom space!
Last week, I spent the day with a fantastic group of educators in Waterbury, Vermont. During one of our sessions, we discussed art in the outdoor classroom. I shared one of my favorite art forms in the outdoor classroom, Ephemeral Art. This is a type of temporary art that can sometimes be referred to as earth or land art. We used the amazing artist Andy Goldsworthy as our inspiration. He uses natural materials to create the most incredible earth sculptures. You can find an inspiring video highlighting his work here.
The lovely thing about earth art is that it can be created anywhere by anyone. There are no set design rules or specific materials, making it the perfect fit for our early childhood programs. You can start your earth art journey by collecting various natural materials. If your program is not close to nature, you can have families collect and bring in natural materials. Find a spot in your outdoor space where children can sort the natural materials and design the ephemeral art sculptures
Resources to help you continue your ephemeral art journey:
Ephemeral art exploring properties of matter, natural materials